Thursday, September 8, 2011

Week Two

Well, it's my second week. Or is it my third? It's hard to tell, because the weeks just zoom by. We're in September, the fall has arrived in St. Louis, and I'm pushing through year one.

I'm giving a detention right now. It is my first ever official detention, and it sure feels strange. I'm giving it to Eyes, a kid who is pretty good generally, but has some difficulty talking out of turn. I liked him the first week, but he's giving me trouble.

Candice says he suffers from "I'm adorable" syndrome, which is what Fred Jones calls "smiley." I think it's probably correct.

My days here are up and down. Some days are up, and the teaching is fantastic, and other days -- the days I teach grammar -- are down days. Grammar is horrible, terrible. I HATE teaching it.

Eyes is finishing up his detention now, so I've got to go. More later.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Chapter One

My favorite teacher in the world told me: All beginnings are hard.

I'm about to begin a tough journey -- my first teaching job.

I've set up this blog to chronicle the ups and downs, and also to connect to the digital education community at large.

I'd rather not spend time on introductions. Let's dive right in, shall we?

(I think a spider just fell from the ceiling onto my shirt. Yesterday I killed a spider. Retribution?)